Sunday, March 20, 2011

Backpack, Backpack

My new backpack.  Isn't she the most beautiful backpack you have ever seen?  She is an Osprey Brand, named Ariel, like the Little Mermaid!  And she is orange like the color of the Little Mermaid's hair.  And like the Little Mermaid, I covet and hoard possessions and store them in some catacombs.  Also I comb my hair with a fork.  And I sold my voice to the Sea Witch for some legs and a chance to meet a man who has no idea I exist.  And I can talk to topic.  Ariel and I are going to have some pretty fantastic times this summer.  First in Guatemala and then out to Shi Shi Beach.  Here's wishing her
a long life and many travels...mostly because she was very expensive.

Here I am wearing the backpack the improper way, much like the Little Mermaid would probably try to wear the backpack.

And a little movie 'cause it makes me happy, and it's so true.