Friday, May 22, 2009

It Occurs To Me... I watch The West Wing Season 1, under the looming two-week deadline imposed by the Seattle Public Library, that there are at least 46 other people in this fine city interested in watching exactly what I am watching right now. And as I progress through the seasons I am contesting with at least 46 other people to request and check out those 6 other seasons before them.

Now, I bring this up because, one, I think it interesting that there are at least 46 other people in this city who are either wanting to watch, or watching what I am watching or wanting to watch in the future. At least 46 other people in this city with similar interests. I have lots of interests, yes, but the fact that there are at least 46 other people who love both The West Wing and the library intrigues me to no end. I think the library should institute some sort of friend finder/dating program. What a great way to meet people with similar interests. Think of the opportunities! At this time, right now, I am basically ignoring at least 46 other people who would be interested in watching what I am watching. 46 other people I could invite to my house and pop popcorn for. 46 other people I could be friends with. 46 other people I could possibly spend the rest of my life with, and not have to die alone.

And I bring it up because, two, think of the reduction on library holds that could result from this friend finder/dating program. Right now I am at least one of 2000 people waiting for Doubt. Even if you only connected 2 library patrons on one hold request, that would reduce the wait time by half. And I would have been watching Doubt three weeks ago instead of 4 months from now, and not remembering having even requested it or what the movie is about at all.

It's just a thought...