Saturday, September 17, 2011

One Perfect Summer

Well, maybe not perfect; I can think of a few faces I would have loved to see. But as summers go, it was truly wonderful.  I'm not sure I have ever really appreciated a summer break as much as I did this year.  Perhaps more so now, looking back as I burrow deeper, and deeper into the cold, dark, reeking, endless tunnel that is the 2L year.  Side note: as that is my assessment one month in, I can only assume that things will be looking up soon...or at least by May.  So as your neglectful blog author, short on time (mine) and attention span (yours), I simply offer some of my favorite photos of the summer, and a promise to be a better chronicler in future...

PS: not all of these photos are mine...sorry friends for taking without asking.  I'll be sure to credit you if anyone comes calling!

Various Summer Fun:  Me and SalmonPants together at last, thanks to Patrice!; finally our own Washoe board (Carrie and I are sharing joint custody); playing said washoes with Colleen; delicious 4th of July barbeque; The AZ parents in kayaks, on Lake Union, in front of the Space Needle; and me with a PBR in my back pocket...classy!


Harry Potter 7.2: The end of an era.

Warrior Dash:  Carrie and my legs after the mudpit; Wendy and her warrior clan.

Finally finished with 1L year:   Debbie and I float off on the water taxi for pizza and illegally consumed beverages in Alki.  Nothing like breaking a few city ordinances to say, "Fuck you!" to the first year of law school

Shi Shi Beach Backpacking trip:  Me, the seastar scavenger, and Trish the coffee/firepit maven, plus some pretty amazing scenery

Guatemala:  It's hard to summarize this magical trip.  So that's all I will say, it was magical.

The Arch

Try juggling to quit smoking!

This is Dennis' photo, but I love it SO much
A blurry menage a trois
Some awesome girls on an awesome volcano
Saying goodbye

Aidan:  I wasn't there for this shot, but I think it is the greatest picture ever.